30 de julho de 2018

Bernstein, Mass. BBC Proms 2012

Leonard Bernstein, Misa/ Mass / Messe

08:24] 1. Devotions: Antiphon. Kyrie eleison
09:58] 2. "A Simple Song"
14:12] 3. Responsory: Alleluia
15:20] 4. Prefatory Prayers (Kyrie Rondo)
20:10 - Thrice-Triple Canon: Dominus vobiscum
20:40 - In nomine Patris
22:15 - Prayer for the Congregation (Chorale: "Almighty Father")
24:04 - Epiphany
24:40 - Confiteor
27:10 - Trope: "I Don't Know"
29:52 - Trope: "Easy"
33:23 - Meditation no. 1
38:40 - Gloria tibi
40:17 - Gloria in excelsis Deo
41:35 - Trope: "Half of the People"
42:26 - Trope: "Thank You"
45:34 - Meditation no. 2
49:30 - Epistle: "The Word of the Lord"
55:02 - Gospel-Sermon: "God Said"
59:21 - Credo
1:00:30 - Trope: "Non Credo"
1:02:40 - Trope: "Hurry"
1:03:55 - Trope: "World Without End"
1:05:25 - Trope: "I Believe in God"
1:07:23 - Meditation no. 3: De profundis, part 1
1:10:16 - Offertory: De profundis, part 2
1:12:30 - The Lord's Prayer, Our Father
1:14:15 - Trope: "I Go On"
1:17:05 - Sanctus
1:22:06 - Agnus Dei
1:28:41 - Fraction: "Things Get Broken"
1:44:00 - Pax: Communion ("Secret Songs")

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